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2005-01-20 - 10:59 p.m.

So within the last hour i have further realized my seperation from the rest of society that falls within my age bracket. I have been happily downloading music to my computer and as i review it now, i find that it is all under the jazz/vocal/world catagory. The only "pop" song i bought was by Bobby Darrin, who in my not so humble opinion does not belong in the "pop" catagory. Ah, i further seclude myself into the depths of my own world. But i cannot deny my love for Etta James and Frank Sinatra, so maybe there will be someone out there that will have me... but on account that i also own releases by Barbara Streisand, probably not. Although i feel that that is the little jewish mother in me that i one day aspire to be, despite my lack of affiliation with the religion. Oye vey.
Anyway, not much new and exciting with work. I arrived today and there were people and problems waiting for me. I felt like a shrink for cabinets. But i didn't have to stay for my whole shift, and for that i was pleased. But it was also the last day that Ed would be in town, he was so hip. I will miss him, i hate to admit it, but after him, i'll never be the same. He made a comment about us having relations and then we would both sit on the end of the bed and cry (on account that he is old enough to be my dad, as well as flamingly gay).
As far as the bread boy goes... he is still in Montana. Arg, for me, his one week trip is well into it's second week and i'm becoming terribly anxious. I saw Monica yesterday... We had glorious breakfast. And she has now spoken to me about the game... apparently i can not get more bread when he returns to the state. Now what am i to do, i got hooked on the boy and the bread, now i am banned from both, or at least until he calls. Which brings us full circle as to why i'm downloading music incesently (sp i know). Bread boy has offered to take me out for a drink and trying to get out of the alcohol part (because i don't really drink... ever...) i told him that when alcohol and i combine, singing happens (which has been the case in one past incident) and that's just no good for anyone. So i gave him an out... cup of the ol' black bean, or carbonated sugar water, but no no, he must see the singing... so now i have to sing. Oh crap. What do i sing to a boy whom i want to bare his children, without actually letting him know? Maybe Mack The Knife, but then again, i don't want him to think i'm promoting that kind of behaviour.. so maybe My Funny Valentine... it's not too sappy. I honestly have no idea. It will probably be Puttin' on the Ritz, even though i only know one line from it.

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